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Established in 1997, we have constantly been innovating to offer our customers a high quality range of Axial Fans. Our expert design these fans by employing quality approved materials and modern technology, in-sync with the globally laid quality standards. Our Axial Fans are used in wind tunnels, AC, refrigeration systems and cooling towers to move hot or cold air in a parallel direction. Furthermore, to attain maximum satisfaction of the patron, our range is delivered to their destination in stipulated period of time.
TYPES OFFAN OFFERED:Pedestal And Wall Mounted Man Coolers, ProductCooler, Inline Tube Axial Type Exhaust Fans, Swivel Type, Roof Exhaust,Bifurcated Type, V-Belt Drive, Boosters, Etc.
Capacity FAD : 7000 CMH to 85000 CMH
Motor HP : 0.5 HP to 25 HP
Size : 18 to 48
APPLICATIONS:Man Cooling, Casting Cooling, Hot Air / Fumes / Steam Exhaust, TunnelVentilation., Blast ventilation / Exhaust, Foundries, Large Kitchen Exhaust,Glass melting shops, Iron & steel plant, Power plants, Cement industries,Chemical factories, Plastics moulding unit, Mines, Tunnel ventilation &exhaust, Metal mfg. plants, Rolling mills, Boiler houses, Fabrication &Assembly shops Etc.